Mould Bases and Plates
Mould Bases and Plates
DME offers a complete range of standard and special mold bases and plates and this is the right page to get all the necessary information.
Mould Components
Mould Components
Our products continue to set industry standards in tooling technology against which all others are compared.
Workshop Equipment
Workshop Equipment
You need more than that to run your workshop, build mouds and let your machines run.
Thermal Management
Thermal Management
Optimal heating and cooling is key to the economics and quality of a plastic part. DME’s holistic approach to mold design and processing differentiates DME from other hot runner companies.
Die Sets
Die Sets
A complete range of plates, die blocks, retainer sets, punches and other die components offers many ways to increase your productivity.
Everything for the secondary processing of your dies, forming tools and stamping tools, ranging from simple rough polishing to fine one.
To make it easier for you to select the right product, we have designed a Solution Finder. You can use it to find the Products which can solve the issues you are having with a particular aspect of your moulding and mould maintenance process. Try it now to find what DME Solutions we have prepared for you. Also, you can always reach our products experts and representatives to receive further assistance with selection and specifications.
You can order anytime on DME eSTORE, our ecommerce site. Select from a vast range of mould plates, components and workshop equipment and order immediately.
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