
CAD & Design

The DME CAD Parts Library is an essential resource to the industry: the most comprehensive tool available to mold designers. At DME we continue to enhance and improve our CAD library based on feedback from our customers.

DME CAD Resources

The CAD Data You Need

With this resource, drawings and calculations that used to take hours now take just a few minutes. You can build an entire mold, insert additional parts and download the specifications and drawings directly to your CAD program. You have two options for accessing CAD data.

CAD Systems we cover

DME offers our customers an integrated DME mold component CAD library for the following systems:

DME “PARTcommunity” Global Parts Library

DME PARTcommunity Global Parts Library gives you access to the DME CAD library online. A PARTcommunity login ID is required, which you can acquire online. You can configure products easily, and get models faster with direct download to your computer instead of waiting for an e-mail.

Login required to use this functionality

Technical Assistance Need help downloading data? Send an email to:

Direct CAD Download

(without the login requirement)

Access commonly requested DME CAD files by clicking the links below.

For DME Mold Bases, click the links below to go to the DME Configurator for that series of mold base. There you can configure your mold base and download the CAD.

DME CAD Guidelines

At DME we have an assortment of Electronic CAD Communication media which enables customers having all levels of computer expertise to send CAD data.

The prefered CAD formats include: Parasolid, STEP, DXF and DWG. The software DME uses for 3D data is Solidworks. CAD File Transmission Options Upload CAD files to our ftp site:

If you have more than one file for the same job please zip or compress into one file and copy your files to the incoming folder. Please note: this is a secure folder which does not allow the files to be listed, you will only be able to see your file after the copy process is done and you have refreshed your screen. You cannot create or copy folders to this site, only files. After placing your file on our ftp site, please send an email to with the file name and any special instructions you may require.

General CAD File Guidelines

  • Always include your DME account number, company name, contact name and phone number with your CAD data.

  • Include instructions as to what to do with your CAD data. For example, is manifold work and/or mold base work to be quoted and/or ordered?

  • Please supply fully dimensioned 2D drawings, a 3D model and a complete bill of materials including steel type of plates

  • Preferable CAD formats are dwg for 2D drawings, and stp (step), x_t (parasolid) for 3D drawings.

  • Clearly identify tolerances you require. In the absence of tolerances, DME will assume our standard tolerances are acceptable

  • If your CAD file is complex, provide individual plate details

  • If you use layers or levels in your design, please supply a legend that describes information on each layer

  • Do not supply cavity or core data unless required by Hot Runner Design, or place it on a layer which is easily removable

  • We will be machining from your data, therefore you are responsible for the accuracy of your geometry and all files provided 3D,2D, etc. are consistent with one another

We look forward to supporting you.

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