The world‘s first fully integrated vario system
Today‘s injection moulding processes require the highest level of accuracy, the best quality and the fastest cycle times. In more and more cases, these requirements can only be achieved with variothermal technology. That is why we offer you device that is optimally adapted to it. It does not require any additional valve stations and it is including the integrated separate return line!
This means that the process water from the tool is always returning into the right cycle. This can save up to 40% of the energy, especially with multiple tools. And it shortens the cycle times for heating and cooling as well. The removable touchscreen helps you with set-up or pro-cess optimization. It can simply be placed anywhere just with connecting a longer LAN cable. The magnetic feet make it easy to set up on the control panel of the injection moulding machine. Variotherm is compatible with any mould, but works best together with conformally cooled moulds.
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