
DME iControl™ Hot Runner Insulation

A Breakthrough in Injection Moulding Thermal Management


  • Minimazing Thermal Variation
  • Reducing Cycle Time
  • Reducing Cold Spots
  • Lowering Energy Requirements

High Tech Insulation Reducing & Balancing Hot Runner Temperatures

Lower melt temperatures can be advantageous when processing heat sensitive materials. Optical grade resins, bioplastics and resins with high percentages of post-consumer recycled plastics are all prone to degradation with elevated temperatures. Further advantages with lower melt temperature are faster start-up, reduced energy and most importantly lower cycle times.

Ideally T1, the temperature of the incoming resin, should closely match T2, the temperature at entry to the cavity. This reduces cold spots balancing the temperature across the system from the manifold through to the nozzles. Improvement in the thermal balance often allows the processor to lower the melt temperature.

Balancing the variation in temperature allowss for less energy in = less energy out.

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